Arquivo da tag: Sociedade

Novo plástico leva 10 dias para se decompor

Trata-se de um plástico feito de mandioca, que quando descartado no solo, chega a ser decomposto em apenas 10 dias. Além de servir para fabricar sacolas, também é possível fabricar embalagens duras ou películas para conservar alimentos. Sugianto Tandio, diretor da Tinta Marta (empresa da Indonésia), investiu 10 anos para criar o material e o batizou de Ecoplas®.

Customized Bags

Continue lendo Novo plástico leva 10 dias para se decompor

Globo e Uol criam infográficos interativos que facilitam a vida dos eleitores

As eleições passaram, mas o clima do pleito ainda permanece. Muita gente quer saber quais candidatos foram eleitos, quais partidos têm maioria na Câmara ou no Senado, quem perdeu volume desde a última eleição e quem ganhou.

Os portais Globo e Uol criaram infográficos interativos em que os eleitores podem consultar facilmente todas essas informações.

No Globo, você pode consultar os partidos, coligações, idade dos candidatos, bens declarados, gênero, escolaridade, etc. Também é possível visualizar os infográficos que foram construídos ao longo do processo eleitoral (temperatura dos debates no Twitter, transcrição de debates, organização das falas dos candidatos por temas, etc.).

Infográfico Globo

No Uol, é possível acompanhar cada um dos cargos eleitos (Governadores, Presidente, Deputados Estaduais e Federais, e Senadores). Lá, o eleitor consegue cruzar informações importantes como número de votos, coligações, distribuição regional, através do Raio-x de cada segmento.

Infográfico Uol

Australiano decide tomar um café com todos seus 1088 amigos do Facebook

Ao se deparar com a lista de pessoas “desconhecidas” ou distantes em seu Facebook, Matt Kulesza decidiu apagar alguns contatos, mas mudou de ideia e resolveu conhecer melhor seus “amigos” ao invés de excluí-los. Para isso marcou um café com cada um deles.

Coffee #14: Sally Humble (friends on Facebook since September 2011, 53 mutual friends) This afternoon I had coffee and “natural, orange” wine with the very talented and hilarious Sally Humble.  Sally was in the year level above me in high school and also happens to be my sister’s best friend’s sister, so we had been friendly with each other for years. She’s also one of two people from high school I’m still in touch with (her brother being the other person). In 2011 she posted a random Facebook status looking for staff to work at a Japanese restaurant in East Brunswick that she was helping to open and work at as manager. Looking for work at the time and wanting a change of pace from the music industry I decided to give fine dining hospo work a crack. That one decision and Facebook status of Sally’s ended up inspiring a domino effect resulting in my relationship with Sophie and relocation to Tokyo in 2012. But back to Sally. We became super close friends working together, she taught me everything I know about wine and we’ve had a lot of good times together over the years. We’d only seen each other once or twice since I got back to Melbourne, so today we had a lot to catch up on. Sally is officially considered a “super taster” and is regarded as one of Australia’s best sommeliers. Back in 2011 she won the ‘Pinot Noir Award’ as part of the ‘Best Sommelier in Australia’ competition and as a result, won return flights to France - an award that she hasn’t yet taken. Being between jobs and houses, a chunk of our catch up today was spent trying to convince Sally that it was a perfect time for her to have a “fuck it I’m outta here” moment and go overseas to work.  We talked a lot about wine and the current trend of natural wines and Sally’s thoughts on them. We drank a glass of natural ‘orange’ wine from the Yarra Valley, which I loved. Sally explained to me how orange wine is made by white grapes fermenting on their skins, which drinks like a white wine, looks orange but can also drink like a red wine thanks to all the tannin within it.  Whether it’s stories about getting / regretting her first tattoo, giving her pet rabbit that jizzes everywhere to the owners of a Vietnamese restaurant, hanging out in Toorak “meeting rich people” or deciding to represent herself in court over a huge amount of CityLink fines, Sally always has a hilarious story to tell and has an electric energy about her whenever we chat and hang out.As well as a glass of natural orange wine, Sally and I both drank an espresso each which she very generously shouted me. AH! And thank you so much for my ‘Good Cafe Guide’ present! You’re the best. Go to Europe! xoxo

Para registrar a experiência, ele decidiu postar uma foto e um resumo de cada um dos encontros. A estimativa é de concluir o projeto em 3 anos.

Coffee #20: Kate Cake (friends on Facebook since March 2011, 36 mutual friends)This morning I had the absolute pleasure of catching up with yet another ridiculously talented, finger-in-many-pies, inspirational go-getter-type Kate Cake. Kate and I met through her excellent, self-proclaimed ‘whorecore’ band Toxic Lipstick in 2010. For the uninitiated, think suburban Australian teen, punky-break beats with lots of screaming (but with an edge of cuteness) and songs about ‘ponies, boys, puberty, shafting acid and hosting exclusive popcorn sleepovers’ with such classics including ‘Horse Forever’ and ‘Mr. McGrottom (with a bottom for a head and a head for a bottom).’ Our bands played together at a warehouse party in Brunswick and shortly after we became what Kate referred to today as “internet friends.”Kate is a lecturer at NMIT where she teaches illustration and multimedia design. She’s also an amazing artist (my iPhone case is one of her designs), additionally covering textiles, installations and animation. She’s just released a huge range of her work, printed on pillows, mugs, doonas and bags through Society6. So good. Her whole style, be it design, music and art in general is A+, she’s one of my favourite local artists, and has developed an aesthetic that is very identifiably ‘Kate Geck.’ She also works at Artful Dodgers Studios, a space which focuses on providing youths whose lives may have been affected by difficult circumstances to create all mediums of artistic expression. Cool. Kate used to live in Osaka, so today we talked about our respective experiences living in Japan, our mutual appreciation of squat toilets and the weird Western style toilet ‘potty’ she had in her Osaka apartment. We also talked about emerging technologies in wearable, augmented-reality fashions Kate’s flirtings with writing musicals and some of her artistic influences. Kate and I both drank two flat whites each. Thanks so much for taking the time out of your morning to catch up, Kate! See you IRL for karaoke soon. :-)

Confira em 1000+ COFFES.

Designer cria capacete inteligente para bombeiros

O visor do capacete tem sensores que detectam sinais de calor e permitem ver através da fumaça e no escuro. Há também um display interno que exibe informações emitidas pela central de computação e pelo líder da equipe via wireless.

C-thru 01

O dispositivo permite que as mãos dos bombeiros fiquem livres para resgatar as pessoas. Eles não precisam de walkie talkies porque o capacete vem equipado com comunicadores integrados. O equipamento possui um filtro que diminui a interferência dos ruídos das chamas para que os bombeiros possam ouvir pessoas pedindo socorro, por exemplo. C-thru 02

O capacete ainda está em fase de conceito mas sua execução parece ser viável em virtude de usar tecnologias já existentes no mercado. A invenção chamada de C-Thru© é do designer Omer Haciomeroglu. Confira a matéria em português do portal MSN.